Clarity Keyboard by Swiftkey

     Hello loyal reads(and minions).  Today I bring you a news story about a new keyboard for your mobile device.  Right now it is only out for Android but I suspect that at some point the developer will release for iOS.  Why?  Because the developer's other keyboard is already available for iOS.  Who is this developer you ask?  Well its...

     SWIFTKEY!  Not who you thought it was based on the picture was it. Ha!  Anyway the picture above is actually for Swiftkey's latest keyboard that there are in the middle of testing.  It is called Clarity.  Clarity is in beta testing right now, hence the beta in the pic, and it defiantly feels like a beta.  There is a lot of refining to do to make it feel like a Swiftkey keyboard but so far I am liking it.  For example there is no long holding for symbols, and when you double tap space it does not add a period.  Every now and again the app asks you to do a short review on it so the developers know what they need to work on.  I have filled out one already and one question is would you replace your current keyboard with Clarity.  Right now my answer is NO even though I have been testing it for a few weeks for them.  When it gets released and is a little more polished, then yes, maybe.  But right now I am happier with Swiftkey's actual keyboard.

     So if you feel like helping out and being an awesome beta tester(like me)then hop on over to the link below and download it for yourself.
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